About Us

About Us


Why are we so special among restuarants?

Kpangba Foods On Wheels (KFW) is leveraging technology to explore the power of food, using the Restaurant Sector as a channel of distribution and transformation of Equitable Healthcare Services, in collaboration with Healthcare Providers with a Digital Electronic Health Card, in building a more inclusive healthcare service to ultimately enhance the resilience of the 97% without healthcare, with Universal healthcare coverage, for individuals and families resilient to shock during health issues, and in extending the healthcare to the vulnerable, for a healthy and a happy community.

Our healthy meal embedded with medical bills, the new trend of Mobile Restaurant and method of service makes us unique. Our method of service is buffet, and for the first time customers have the opportunity to order for buffet online service and have buffet for takeaway. KFW innovation of healthy meals embedded with medical bills will eliminate cash payment during health issues and every financial barriers preventing access to equitable healthcare services, to reduce self-medications, the rate of poverty and untimely deaths to create a sustainable and inclusive economic growth for a healthy and a happy community through food and from the added value of our Healthcare Services.

We are working towards


Healthy meals embedded with medical Bills


Healthcare for ALL


Food for Universal Healthcare Services

The Healthcare Industry In Nigeria

The healthcare industry in Nigeria is faced with various challenges, including lack of access to essential healthcare and lack of health insurance uptake. These challenges have led to a situation where 97% of the Nigerian population are unable to access equitable healthcare they need, and have always resulted in OUT-OF-POCKET Health Expenditures, which have serious consequences to the health and well being of the population.

Over 150 million hospital cases in Nigeria annually are OUT-OF-POCKET Health Expenditures, leading our communities to self-medications and forcing the people to sell their valuable properties at a give-away price for treatment of common illness, leading the people to debts and bankruptcy, cause to increase in crime and poverty rate, resulting to over 600,000 untimely deaths annually, will increase to a million deaths by the year 2030 if care is not taken. Their deaths are not from their condition, but from their inability to pay for the treatment they needed as a result of lack of Health Insurance uptake.

Lack of healthcare uptakes has led to long term disability or death in most cases, and people without healthcare coverage are more likely to experience financial hardship due to medical expenses which can further exacerbate poverty.

Over $50 billion is spent annually on OUT-OF-POCKET Health Expenditures in Nigeria, as against $2,500 for Universal healthcare coverage, and $40 billion is spent annually on medical tourism in Nigeria, the industry is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.5% over the next five years. This presents a significant opportunity for companies like KFW to enter the market and make a positive impact.

The KFW Solution

Kpangba Foods On Wheels (KFW), has developed a revolutionary solution to the challenges of OUT-OF-POCKET Health Expenditures in Nigeria, by creating the KFW healthy meals embedded with medical bills, an innovation to access Universal Healthcare Services from the meals we serve you. In sharing the burden of healthcare among the stakeholders and our customers.

The KFW digital Electronic Health Card allows individuals and families to access Universal Health Care without having to worry about paying Out-Of-Pocket.

Additionally, KFW is offering a unique Service that allows individuals and families to access healthcare services through our new method of Restaurant Service, serving healthy meals embedded with medical bills and customers can have their Premium for Universal Healthcare coverage taken care of for them and their family members from their meals with KFW, for individuals and families resilient to shock during health issues.

Our solution is designed to remove financial barriers to preventing access to equitable Healthcare Services and eliminate Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditures to ensure that everyone has access to the medical care they need.

By providing Universal Healthcare Services using KFW Digital Electronic Health Card and the Restaurant Sector the distribution channel of healthcare, in collaboration with Healthcare Providers, we aim to transform the trajectory of Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditures and improve the overall quality of life for individuals and families in need and ultimately create a more inclusive and supportive society and a healthy and happy communities.

Why choose us?

By paying for just the quality food we provide at our mobile restaurant, you have access to Tourism and Health Care Insurance.
What a mouth-watering offer and first of its kind.